What State Will You Work In?

Many estheticians will end up moving at some point during their professional life. If you’re already considering your future working location, remember to check out the licensing requirements, since each state has different regulations.

ASCP provides a handy guide to state licensing information for every state (as well as Puerto Rico and Washington, D.C.): educational hours and any other requirements for initial licensing, continuing education hours and renewal periods, and complete contact information for all relevant state boards or other licensing agencies.

ASCP also sends email updates to members whenever there is a legislative change in your state that might affect you. Make sure we have your current email address so you don’t miss these occasional notifications. Log in as a member, then click on “Update Your Contact Information.” This is particularly important for student members, as mailing addresses and phone numbers often change after the school year, and can leave us with no way to alert you to important situations.

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