Customer Service Checklist for your Spa

By ASCP Staff

One of the best things about being an esthetician is our wonderful clients! We deal with people all day long, and we all want to offer stellar customer service. Despite good intentions, sometimes the basics can fall by the wayside. Here’s a checklist on how we can engage our clients, whether they are coming to see us for the first time or have been booking skin care services with us for years. 

7 Ways to Engage Your Clients

1. Keep a smile on your face. Let your clients know you are happy to see them and you appreciate your time with them. If you’re having a bad day, you might have to force yourself to smile, but you’ll be surprised how smiling can help improve a bad mood.  
2. Use your client’s name frequently. If the client is new to you, use a courtesy title, such as, “Ms. Betty” or “Mr. Ben.” When you become more familiar with the client, you can start using their first name. 
3. If you treat your clients the same as if they were a guest in your home, they will feel they are special to you (which they are). Offer to take their coat and ask if they would like a glass of water or a cup of hot tea when they arrive. Ask if they need to use the restroom before you begin their service.   
4. When you greet your clients, use a two-handed handshake. It’s a simple gesture that says, “I’m going to care for you.” It’s very inviting and will make them feel welcomed. 
5. Keeping eye contact with your clients helps you connect and engage with them. Let them know they are your number-one focus. 
6. Give your clients a compliment. Each client has something positive that you can comment about, whether it’s a great pair of shoes, an amazing dress or suit, or a stylish purse or man bag. If they have been diligent about their home care since their last appointment, comment on how great their skin looks.   
7. Take a personal interest in your clients. Ask how their week has been, or about anything special in their lives they may have mentioned before. Don’t talk about yourself unless you’re asked. This is also a great way to find out about any upcoming events in their lives to note for their next visit, such as a wedding, a job promotion, or a special vacation they have planned. 

Great customer service means you engage your clients, but you should also look at what your physical space conveys. Stellar customer service means the whole package!  Front desk with phone and pretty pictures on the wall

Customer Service Checklist for Your Physical Space

If you can imagine you are a client coming into your business for the first time, you can see everything through their eyes. All the areas addressed below can make important impressions, so make sure they are sending the A+ customer-service message you want every client to feel loud and clear—from the beginning of their experience to the end. 
THE PARKING LOT—It should be trash-free and have plenty of parking spaces (including handicap-accessible spaces. It should be close to your business, easy to spot from the street, and well-lit. If you have paid parking, make it affordable for your clients or offer parking validation to pay for their parking.  
THE ENTRANCE—Make sure the entrance is marked clearly with the business name and address so your clients will know they are at the right place. The front door should be easy to open or clearly marked if they need to ring a bell to gain access. Have an attractive welcome mat for them to wipe their feet, and make sure any walkway is clear of debris and/or snow. If it’s not obvious, make sure it’s clear where they go once they’re inside. 
THE FRONT DESK—The front desk (if you have one) should be the first thing they see when they enter your business. It should be clear of clutter and welcoming, not an impenetrable barrier. For a nice touch, add flowers or seasonal decorations. The front desk should be close to the front door so you or your receptionist can greet clients as they enter. 
THE WAITING AREA—If your business has a waiting area, it needs to be clean and tidy, with a comfortable place to sit. Have the latest fashion and healthy lifestyle publications available. Have client treatment brochures in the waiting area to inform them of all the skin care services you offer. Offer refreshments, such as flavored water, coffee, hot tea, and perhaps individually wrapped chocolates or candy. Also make sure the temperature is comfortable. Calm, soothing music also helps create a relaxing atmosphere.   
YOUR TREATMENT TABLE—Clean, wrinkle-free sheets are a must. Keep a warm, fuzzy blanket nearby for the clients who tend to always be cold. Consider a heating pad for your bed for those chilly fall and winter days. If your client needs help getting on the table, be ready to offer a helping hand. If your client is new, make sure they know how to wear the gown. 
YOUR ROOM—Keep all products to be used during the service well-organized. Depending on the service, you may have dim lighting and soft music playing for your European facial, or bright light and silence for a chemical peel. Make sure your clients have a place to hang their clothes and store their purse or man bag. 
—It’s a must to keep the restrooms clean. Clean sink, clean toilets, no toilet paper on the floor and plenty of soap and paper towels. I’m sure many of us have hesitated to revisit a business with an untidy restroom! 
RETAIL AREA—You want to make sure your retail area is adequately stocked, but you also don’t want it so full that it looks like no one ever purchases product. It should be dust-free, intelligently organized, and esthetically pleasing to the eye. Make sure prices are obviously displayed, and products are within reach of an average-size person. It should look approachable, not untouchable.  
CHECKOUT AREA—This could be the same as your front desk, so again, make sure everything is clean and organized. Have pens available and space for a client to sign a receipt or write their next appointment in their planner. Have a calendar available to show clients for pre-booking and offer them an appointment reminder card. For clients who prefer to pay in cash, have change on hand. For those who prefer to use debit or credit cards, have a quick and simple system for card processing.  


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