Expanding Your Esthetics Business

Staying Ahead of the Game

In the beauty industry, things seem to change at the speed of light. As most of you know, I always emphasize how important it is as an esthetician to maintain current technical skills, but I also believe that it’s equally important to stay ahead of the game from a business perspective.
Being complacent is not a habit that will lead you to prosperity. So, make sure you are in tune with the most current information in the industry. Know that there are always ways to make more money and expand your business. When you are knowledgeable of new trends in the business, you are more likely to optimize those opportunities to elevate your business to the next level.
When it comes to elevating your business, I am talking about expansion.
To begin, there are items that cannot be ignored if you’re planning to expand. Social media should be one area of focus when it comes to marketing yourself. It’s important to post the work you are doing, especially the new services that you are offering. This can be a very efficient and inexpensive way to get the word out about your business and to illustrate your skills. Remember, people love to look at pictures, so try to capture important aspects of your work through photos.

Next, do an analysis of your business. Determine where you could add value. Then, do research into what is cutting edge. Once you have identified what’s trending, select items you can include in your services and begin to offer them to your clients. Remember, to stay fresh, it’s always important to offer new services that are different from what you provide on a regular basis. For example, consider including how-to classes that will complement your new services that clients can try at home.
In addition, try to target areas of your business that may need to be broadened. More importantly, don’t be afraid to act on an idea you have. I have met some very talented people who have great ideas but are too fearful to act on them. This results in their businesses stagnating.
Be aware that it’s common to feel intimidated when you are stretching yourself to try something new. Being cautious when you take a step toward something outside of your comfort zone is to be expected. Here’s my advice; jump in and go for it! Leave your fears behind because you never know how something may work out unless you try it. Keep in mind, often it only takes one idea to take your business to the next level.

Article by Gina Rivera, Beauty Expert

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