How to Avoid Burnout During Tradeshow Season

By Maggie Staszcuk

The excitement and anticipation of a new year often drives people to set high expectations for themselves. If you’ve kicked off the year with a never-ending lineup of trade shows to attend and a long list of career goals, we get it! But these objectives can quickly become overwhelming and lead to burnout.

Trade shows can be fast-paced and demanding by nature. Whether you’re attending a show to network, to learn something new, or to be reinspired, proper planning and self-care are necessary to prevent your excitement and ambition from quickly turning to exhaustion.

The first step to avoiding burnout at trade show events is to set realistic goals and recognize what’s possible to attain in the time you have available. Time management is essential. While all education tracks may look great, decide which continuing education classes best suit your goals. Prioritize your time by mapping out in advance the classes you want to take, including where each is located at the venue. Engaging in continuing education can help you stay motivated and inspired in your work, which also helps prevent burnout.

Networking is a great way to stay informed about industry trends and can lead to valuable business relationships and collaborations. Consider the brands that will be in attendance and take advantage of networking opportunities. Determine which brands you’d like to network with and see if you can pinpoint where they will have a booth or setup. You can also write down questions or talking points in advance so you’re prepared to have a productive conversation. By planning ahead, you can maximize your time, go in with a plan, and avoid getting overwhelmed.

If you are attending a trade show with a group of colleagues, take into consideration the goals of the group, but don’t be afraid to set clear boundaries. Schedule breaks for yourself to rest and find the time for some self-care. It’s easy to overlook healthy food options or become dehydrated at events with so much going on, which can quickly lead to exhaustion. Listen to your body and take a few minutes to sit and rest your feet, fill up your water bottle, and have a snack. This will make a big difference in how you feel throughout the day.

By applying these strategies, estheticians can prevent burnout at trade shows, maximize their networking and learning opportunities, and ultimately maintain their passion for skin care.

Interested in more content like this? Check out more blog posts on preventing burnout in your career and other trade show tips on ASCP’s blog, or tune in to ASCP's Esty Talk Ep 248, Avoid Burnout where Ella and Maggie share their tips.

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