How to Find Liability Insurance

This is not an investment that should be made based on cost alone.

Not all insurance policies are created equal, so it’s important to understand what you’re getting. When you begin looking for liability insurance, there are three key things to keep in mind.

1. Your insurance policy should cover professional, general, and product liability. If anything should go wrong during a service you are able to provide because you are a licensed esthetician, (i.e., a waxing burn professional liability insurance is for those claims. General liability insurance is for the slips, trips, and falls that can easily happen in a salon or spa. Did you know you might even he held responsible for accidents that happen on the walkway leading up to your treatment space? Then, of course, there’s product liability that kicks in when a client has an allergic or otherwise adverse reaction. The number of things that can go wrong is daunting. Save yourself the stress and get peace of mind knowing that you have insurance to cover your professional, general, and product liability for any potential mishap.

2. Be wary of the cheapest liability policies. Chances are, they look like a great deal financially because they have a shared aggregate. A shared aggregate means that, although the policy says that you have a $2 million safety net for the year, it’s actually the same $2 million that has been promised to others on the same policy. If another professional on the shared aggregate policy has a $2-million payout to an injured client, that leaves zero money left to protect you and the policy is rendered useless for the rest of the year. Make sure your liability insurance has an individual aggregate—for you and you alone! Should a claim be brought against you, you will be certain the limits of your insurance policy are all available to protect you.

3. There are two kinds of liability insurance: claims-made insurance and occurrence-form insurance. Claims-made insurance means the insurance company will only have your back if you have a current insurance policy on the date that the claim is filed. Claims are rarely filed on the date the incident occurs. It can take a prosecutor’s lawyer years to finally file an official lawsuit. However, if you had occurrence-form insurance but let the policy lapse because you stopped working temporarily and one of your former clients files a claim against you, the insurance company will look at the claim and go back to the date that the incident occurred. If you were insured on the date the incident occurred, your occurrence-form insurance policy, even though now it’s expired, will still go to bat for you. If you don’t want to worry about someone filing a claim after you take a leave of absence or even after you retire, you want to make sure your liability insurance is occurrence-form. You need an occurrence-form insurance policy that includes professional, general, and products liability with an individual aggregate. Read the policy to make sure it provides coverage for every service you offer.

And for goodness’ sake, don’t buy your insurance based on price; be sure you know what you’re buying so you get your money’s worth. We don’t have insurance because we wake up in the morning planning accidents. We have insurance because we don’t know what anyone else is or isn’t planning. It’s called an accident for a reason. Don’t accidently lose your career because you aren’t insured.


Please email me thank you

Hi Debbra!

Dermaplaning is currently covered under the liability insurance policy that comes as one of the many benefits of professional membership with ASCP! Please note that you must provide proof of training and be allowed to provide this service within your scope of practice as dictated by your state.

For more information regarding coverage for Microblading and other advanced esthetics services, please check out our Advanced Modality Insurance (AMI) program to learn more!

Emily Morgan (ASCP Membership Program Manager)

Is derma planing already included in my liability insurance or do I need to add it, and if so how much more do I need to pay.?

Hi Charlene, 

Dermaplaning is covered by ASCP's membership policy as long as it is within your state scope of practice, however proof of training is required. If you have your certificate of training on hand, email us a copy at your convenience. 

Maggie Staszcuk
Education Program Manager

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