Colorado Draft Legislation Stakeholder Meeting

The Department of Higher Education and Division of Private Occupational Schools (DPOS) have drafted a bill that would authorize the Department to collect student cost and employment outcome information from higher education institutions not currently included in the Department's annual return on investment report. 

The bill draft was finalized January 27. They are having a stakeholder meeting on January 29, 2020. This is an opportunity for stakeholders to comment prior to the bill being filed. There will be opportunity to testify in hearings once it is filed. 

Per DPOS: 

“The goal of this bill is to expand upon the Department’s Return on Investment report by allowing the Department to work with the state’s private occupational schools and private nonprofit four-year degree granting institutions to provide the public with a holistic tool that facilitates their post-secondary decisions.” 

Submit your public comments regarding the bill at 8 am tomorrow, January 29, at the State Capitol in House Committee Room 109. If you are unable to attend, you can voice your opinion by email:


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