North Carolina Finalizes Rules Regarding Cosmetic Arts

The North Carolina Board of Cosmetic Arts Examiners Therapy (Board) finalized amended rules that primarily affect schools. These rules were effective September 2021. ASCP has summarized the rules for you below.

21 NCAC 14T.0201(d)—All Cosmetic Art Schools (page 9)
The new rule clarifies that while a theory classroom may be located in an adjacent building, these theory classrooms cannot be used for student practice.

21 NCAC 14T.052—Permanent Records, Forms and Documentation (page 11)
The new rules now require permanent student files to have a copy of a photo ID.

The rules also modify the language to include “performance” in evaluations and states these performance evaluations must be “dated, graded and signed by a teacher.”

Regarding documentation of leaves of absence, documentation must “include an anticipated return date and updated notes every 30 days if the return date exceeds the anticipated return date.”

Amendments were also made to the section regarding the running record of hours. The hours need to be recorded and subtotaled weekly.

Finally, teachers are now required to use evaluation plans approved by the Board.

21 NCAC 14T.0616—Additional Hours (page 14)
This section decreases the amount of hours of education needed for those who have failed the examination three times, as detailed below:

  1. Cosmetologist: 100 hours (down from 200 hours)
  2. Apprentice: 75 hours (down from 150 hours)
  3. Esthetician: 40 hours (down from 80 hours)
  4. Manicurist: 20 hours (down from 40 hours)
  5. Natural Hair Care Specialist: 20 hours (down from 40 hours)

Furthermore, the new rules provide that these hours may be completed through online study or instruction.

21 NCAC 14T.0706—School Approval Changes and School Closing (page 15)
Amendments to this section stipulate that: “If the square footage or instructional layout of a cosmetic art school changes, the school shall notify the Board of the change and submit a diagram of the new instructional layout. Following receipt of the notification of the change in the instructional layout or square footage, a Board inspector shall verify the change.”

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