ASCP Podcasts

ASCP Esty Talk Podcast

Produced by Associated Skin Care Professionals (ASCP), ASCP Esty Talk and The Rogue Pharmacist is specifically created for estheticians. Where no topic is off limits, we share all kinds of great information on this podcast from ingredients and the science of the skin, to business, and beauty diversity.  We hope you come away having learned more about your career, the industry, and maybe even life in general!

Think of our show as a conversation between friends—not too structured, not too formal—sometimes very serious, but always genuine and authentic.

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Ep 107 – DNA-Based Skin Care

Formulators have developed products based on skin type for years, but there has been a recent shift in thinking, with some brands beginning to develop their products based on consumers’ individual genetic makeup. In this episode of ASCP Esty Talk, Maggie and Ella discuss whether ingredients can truly alter DNA to prevent aging and ask the question “Could the secret to perfect skin be in our genes?”

Ep 106 – Exfoliation: How Much is Too Much?

Although exfoliation seems straightforward, clients often have mixed messages about what to use, when to use it, and the expectations from exfoliating. That’s no surprise when you consider exfoliation comes in many forms like scrubs, enzymes, and peels, and can be found in the most basic of products, such as cleansers or serums. In this episode of ASCP Esty Talk, Maggie and Ella define exfoliation and discuss how much is too much, both in the treatment room and in home care.   

Ep 105 - Mind Health and the Skin

Mind health and how our skin responds, otherwise known as psycho-dermatology, is an emerging field that studies the effects of stress both on the brain and on the skin. In this episode with Benjamin Knight Fuchs, R. Ph., we discuss the two-way communication between the brain and the skin and the conditions that can show up on the skin and how to deal with them.  

Ep 104 - Anti-Aging is a Four-Letter Word

Antimicrobial, antibacterial, antioxidant—there’s a whole lot of “anti” words in our professional vocabulary. However, none are as potent, explanatory, descriptive, or as inclusive as anti-aging. What does it really mean to reverse the signs of aging and is it necessarily a good thing? In this episode of ASCP Esty Talk, Maggie and Ella discuss types of aging, societal views, and esthetics' role in anti-aging.

Ep 103 – The Skin-ification of Hair

In recent years, we’ve seen an overlap between the skin care and hair care industries. This new approach to hair and scalp care consists of skin-care-inspired products and treatments for your hair and scalp issues. In this episode of ASCP Esty Talk, Maggie and Ella discuss causes of hair loss and skin care treatments being adopted to curb it.

Ep 102 - The Rogue Pharmacist: Skin Indications for Overall Health

Is the skin the first indicator of overall health? A 2008 study involving over 13,000 adolescents showed  those with acne were more likely to experience gastrointestinal symptoms such as constipation, bloating, halitosis, and acid reflux. In this episode of The Rogue Pharmacist, Ben discusses common skin conditions and their indicators for overall health.

Ep 101 - Shining the Light on Sunless Tanning

Sunless tanning is a billion-dollar industry and growing, and the treatment is a great opportunity for solo estheticians and spas to boost their bottom line. Many people realize that tanning beds can be dangerous and lead to cancer. So, is spray tanning a better option? In this episode Ella and Maggie discuss sunless tanning and its rise in the wellness industry.

Ep 100 – Clean, Green, and Sustainable Skin Care

Clean, green, and sustainable—what do these terms really mean, and why are they important in skin care? Join Ella and Maggie as they discuss these buzz words to decipher where they came from and whether they are legit or just clever (and effective) marketing mumbo-jumbo. Do your products really qualify? Find out by tuning into this informative episode.

Ep 99 – The Rogue Pharmacist: Rosacea is Not a Skin Disease

Rosacea is often characterized by redness, flushing, and telangiectasia, and there are many theories about the potential causes of this skin condition. In this episode with Benjamin Knight Fuchs, RPh, we discuss the characteristics of rosacea and what contributes to this inflammation in the skin.  

Ep 98 – The Client Consultation

The client consultation is the esthetician’s opportunity to build a relationship with the client and determine exactly what their needs are. But often the consultation is skipped or rolled into the skin analysis. In this episode of ASCP Esty Talk, Ella and Maggie discuss the benefits of the client consultation as well as missed opportunities in the treatment room.

Ep 97 - The Evolution of Retail Sales

Retail sales are required in the esthetics business, and 80 percent of client results will come from home care alone. We reached out to our listeners to determine how retail sales have evolved over the past few years and learned that the COVID pandemic hasn’t slowed you down! In this episode of ASCP Esty Talk, Ella and Maggie discuss retail sales tips, tricks, and techniques you can use.

Ep 96 – The Rogue Pharmacist: There is No Such Thing as Sensitive Skin

How often do you hear your clients say, "I have sensitive skin"? But what does that really mean, and is it a true skin condition? In this episode with Benjamin Knight Fuchs, R.Ph., we discuss skin as a sensory organ, its barrier function, and whether your clients truly have sensitive skin. 

Ep 95 - Client Management and the Professional Esthetician

What is the difference between a customer and a client? The short answer lies in client management, the process of overseeing and coordinating a professional’s interactions with the ultimate goal in building and maintaining good client relationships. Join Ella, Maggie, and special guest Tracy as they discuss client relationships and how even a 5% retention rate translates into 25-95% of profits.

Ep 94 - Oily Vs. Dry Skin: Truths and Misperceptions

Oily skin and dry skin are two skin type extremes each with their own common stereotypes, misperceptions, and truths. Does one skin type age better than another? Will water intake improve dry skin issues? Should oily skin be cleansed more often? Ella and Maggie discuss some of the common characteristics of these two skin types and their common truths and misperceptions.

Ep 93 – The Rogue Pharmacist: All About Collagen

Collagen is the most abundant protein found in the body and is incredibly valuable. In this episode with Benjamin Knight Fuchs, R.Ph. we discuss the manifestations of aging and how to build collagen. 

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